[REVIEW] Movie Weathering With You

With the resounding success of Japanese animation "Your Name," the director, dubbed Hayao Miyazaki - Makota Shinkai, will continue to bring viewers to Weathering With You in Fmovies.

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Revolving around the life of the teenager Morishima Hodaka, at the age of "young buffalo" 16 seasons cake, after being bored of life in the remote island so he intends to go to Tokyo city to seek his own challenge yourself. However, things gradually became not as he expected, life became destitute in the middle of the expensive city and then he cowered back to the loneliness of homesickness. In order to have money to cover, Hodaka wrote an article for a news magazine about unusual phenomena.

The Child Of The Weather film

But just at the time of work, the rain continued to make the surrounding life become gloomy and more depressing. And then, as a predestined heavenly predator, in an alley of a busy and busy city, Hodaka meets a young girl named Hina Amano, a girl with a strange ability who can do light in the sky. illuminated through special prayers.

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With the "master of words" and "witch of sadness" brand, Makoto Shinkai brings many lyrical, depressing and romantic feelings like the sky in his works. The film The Weather's Coming is also imbued with this unique style of Makoto Shinkai. Still two young protagonists, still a bustling and beautiful Tokyo city, remains an invisible distance of free souls, hidden deep within just a philosophical depth like his movies worked. This time, it is no longer an incomplete love affair because of the geographical distance of 5cm / s or the close connection with each other in Your Name, the 2019 movie will take nature and sky as the backdrop for a the next predestination.

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Director Makoto Shinkai once told the press that right after the completion of the hit film Your Name, he already had the idea for the movie The Child of the Weather. But, not yet in a hurry to make the film right away, this talented director has manipulated his spiritual child to be the most poignant. The work of the Children of the Weather Ekip also has people who have cooperated with Makoto Shinkai before, including Tamura Atsushi, Tanaka Shiga - who created a Your Name and a vibrant Garden of Words. .

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Weathering With You is a lovely teen love story, the two leading roles are built to be people who have difficulties in life and the way they bravely overcome until the relationship. Romance began to bloom. Hodaka and Hina were introduced as lovely and hardworking children, who were born on the sidelines of society.

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Lack of parental care, love and even (in Hodaka's case) life is government-backed, the two quickly cling to each other, support each other in a world that It seems they don't belong. When Hodaka discovers that Hina's power can temporarily change the weather, he asks her to "start a business" to make money, so they can support themselves and support their lives. They live a shaky life, always on the brink of disaster, but they are happy. They wish that their life could go on like this, but the rain kept falling, as if it would never end.

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The film The Child of the Weather uses the weather as a central metaphor, very well suited to surreal drawings, special aesthetic strengths in the style of the director we know. The film is filled with spectacular rain scenes and other weather effects, showing all the strengths shown in previous Shinkai films such as the Garden of Words. Over the years, CoMix Wave has developed an incredible team to create great art through impressive and realistic drawings.

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With Weathering With You, it feels like they've surpassed themselves once more. In the film, the irreversible prospect of climate change is an obsessive ghost for the whole planet, even though it can't be solved completely. Weathering With You is not afraid to describe both the beauty and the horror that the natural world can create. We are learning that the Amazon forest fire is attracting the attention of the whole world, the environmental issue is a hot topic that makes many people interested.

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Although the love story and the drawings are extremely attractive, Weathering With You (The Child of the Weather) stumbles when the real conflict finally appears. Characters are sometimes inconsistent, sometimes acting in a way that breaks the usual character pattern. Nextphim also felt that the traditional Shinto religion emphasized in this film was like exposure 

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